Ultimi Giochi Pubblicati: Recensioni & Downloads

31 maggio 2013

Altitude è un bellissimo gioco di combattimenti di aerei in 2D.

By With Nessun commento:

Altitude è un bellissimo gioco di combattimenti di aerei in 2D.

altitude5Altitude è uno sparatutto multiplayer con vista a volo d'uccello e uno stile retrò. Fino a ventiquattro giocatori si possono sfidare in quattro modalità di gioco diverse e far crescere il proprio profilo attraverso l'apposito sistema di perks.
Altitude è completamente gratuito, e, anche se, opzionalmente, si può pagare per vantaggi supplementari e per sbloccare bonus, il gioco rimane comunque molto competitivo per tutti.
Il fattore migliore è che, in modalità online, è un gioco di combattimento tra aerei a squadre, quindi il fatto di non essere equipaggiati e armati più degli altri non è un problema se si pensa alla partita cooperativa dove ciascuno fa il suo e dove si vince tutti insieme.
All'inizio si comincia con un tutorial per imparare a guidare l'aereo.
Si gioca con le freccette, destra e sinistra per fare le piroette, su e giu per accellerare e frenare.
Con i tasti D e F si spara mentre cone il tasto S si rilasciano le bombe bonus che si trovano sullo schermo.
Facendo esperienza e completando diversi quadri si possono sbloccare armi più potenti e miglioramenti.
Inoltre si potrà cambiare aereo con 5 velivoli da scegliere.
Si comincia con l'aereo Loopy, molto agile e poi si potrà giocare con il Bomber dotato di armi potenti ed il Miranda, meno forte ma più controllabile e agile, ideale per schivare i colpi nemici.

a) Scaricare il file .sh.
b) Doppio click su di esso.
c) Avvia da terminale.
d) Confreermare l'installazione.

altitude timeflies1
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30 maggio 2013

109 giochi vari d’azione per Linux (seconda parte).

By With Nessun commento:

109 giochi vari d’azione per Linux (seconda parte).

Linux, come tutti i sistemi Unix, è ben noto per le sue potenzialità di rete. Tutti sanno che una rete o un web server basati su Linux sono un'ottima soluzione, economica, affidabile, e che non necessita di hardware troppo potente; ciò ha fatto di questo sistema operativo una presenza importante nel settore dei server. 

Tuttavia, negli ultimi tempi, Linux pare aver avanzato la sua candidatura anche quale sistema operativo per desktop, per sistemi, insomma, personali. Effettivamente le caratteristiche di velocità ed affidabilità (senza dimenticare il costo - o meglio, la mancanza di esso) di questo Unix ne fanno un concorrente temibile per ogni altro sistema operativo commerciale; i pregi sembrano essere maggiori dei difetti, il principale dei quali sembra essere, secondo i detrattori di Linux, la mancanza di applicazioni. Se può essere facilmente smentito che manchino applicativi di produttività generale o scientifici, è purtroppo vero che il settore videoludico del Linux è molto lacunoso. 

Vediamo un po' di esempi per esaminare meglio qual è la situazione attuale e quali sviluppi vi potranno essere in seguito.
Jet Ducks una delizia per gli appassionati di grafica cartoon trendy e mix classico.
Una delizia per gli appassionati di grafica cartoon trendy e mix classico sparatutto arcade. Il compito del cacciatore è semplice: uccidere più anatre possibile!
Un sacco di nuove caratteristiche vi aspettano in questo gioco arcade incredibile. Questo gioco è promesso di diventare una delizia per gli appassionati di grafica cartoon alla moda e classico arcade / shooter mix. Oltre ai livelli tradizionali competenze dei Novice, Expert, e il Maestro, il gioco ha diverse modalità di gioco: Blitz, Sniper, Crossfire e CliKil. 
Kairo è un puzzle game che non ci pone vincoli ed in cui bisogna risolvere enigmi .
Kairo, un titolo che non definiremo “arte”, ma grazie al quale cercheremo di spiegare meglio perché tanti pareri discordanti, su cosa sia arte e cosa non lo sia, siano spesso fini a se stessi. Basta poco per comporre qualcosa di speciale ed essere ricordati nel tempo, ma c’è bisogno di tanto talento, e lo sviluppatore Richard Perrin questo lo sa bene, avendo confezionato con Kairo qualcosa che va oltre il classico intrattenimento; ha dato vita a qualcosa di meraviglioso, a qualcosa che nasconde, fino ai titoli di coda, un profondo significato.

  • Leiserieselt Leiserieselt is a simple game where you throw snowballs at each other.
  • Loose Cannon Loose Cannon is a single player 3D action & adventure game.
Magic Maze ti getterà all'interno di una prigione sotterranea in 3D, solo con la tua fedele arma da fuoco.
Magic Maze free full game (4)_thumb[1]Magic Maze ti getterà all'interno di una prigione sotterranea in 3D, solo con la tua fedele arma da fuoco e il tuo fiuto per scovare tesori.
Dovrai esplorare i passaggi dei labirinti, scovando le ricchezze e uccidendo i mostri che ti stanno tra i piedi.
Le tue abilità si potenzieranno automaticamente, man mano che attraverserai i 12 livelli pieni di azione, nei quali potrai freddare i mostri e liberare gas tossici che ti faranno strada fino all'uscita. Non appena troverai le tre gemme di ciascun livello, potrai avanzare a quello successivo e, passo dopo passo, troverai sfide ancor più impegnative!

  • Magnificent Gunbright Magnificent Gunbright is an abstract shooter; kind of a cross between Warning Forever and Tumiki Fighters. Your blob cloud is at once your defensive shield and your ammunition, and more blobs are always raining from the sky.
  • MoagG Moagg combines several game types of other genres like races, search & rescue, seek & destroy et cetera into a 2D gravity game. You are pilot of a small space ship and have to navigate that ship through different levels. But beside the gravity that drags you down there are other obstacles like laser ports, magnets, black holes, cannons, rockets and grinders you have to master.
  • Molecule Man Molecule Man is a port of a 3D isometric maze game for the ZX Spectrum that was released in 1986.
  • Monkey Bubble Monkey Bubble is a game in which you must explode all bubbles in the game area. You explode bubbles by putting at least 3 of the same colour in contact. Any bubble that is connected to the top or the sides of the game area by bubbles you just exploded falls too.
  • Monster Masher Monster Masher is for the Gnome desktop environment. The basic idea is that you, as levitation worker gnome, has to clean the caves for monsters that want to roll over you. You do the cleaning by mashing the monsters with stone blocks.
  • Moon-Buggy Moon-Buggy is a simple character graphics game, where you drive some kind of car across the moon's surface.
  • Noiz2sa Noiz2sa is a shootem up game set in an abstract world. 10 stages plus endless mode.
  • OpenClonk OpenClonk is a free multiplayer action skill game where you control clonks, small but witty and nimble humanoid beings. The game is mainly about mining, settling and fast-paced melees.
  • OpenOrbiter OpenOrbiter is a multiplayer game for up to 8 players on one computer. Each player controls an Orbiter which is affected by gravity and inertia. The goal is to kick all other Orbiters out of the map.
  • Outgun Outgun is a simple multiplayer capture the flag game in 2D top-view, to be played on a network. Servers up to 32 players are supported.
  • PengSwim PengSwim is a game of swimming and eating, a penguin's two favorite activities. The pbject of PengSwim is to eat as many fish as possible within the time limit. Once you've eaten all the fish on the level, you move to a new level with more fish to eat. What could be simpler?
  • Pengupop Pengupop is an online multiplayer clone of Frozen-Bubble/Bust a Move. The purpose of the game is to shoot colored balls so they form groups and thus fall down. Any balls that fall down will reappear on your opponent's playfield as a side-effect.
  • Possible Worlds Snowball Surprise is a strategic, action packed 3D team game that's so cool it's freezing! The penguin inhabitants of Avatarctica love playing games such as Snowball Fight, Capture The Flag, Tag, and Soccer! Made with Python and OpenGL.
  • Project Ares Project Ares is a science fiction-based game made with AresEd, a 3D game creation suite based on Crystal Space.
  • pslange pslange is a small console based game. It is a clone of an old classic usually known as snake or nibbles.
  • Psychopyretic Psychopyretic is a dungeon-based platformer game. The eventual goal is to allow full extensibility through the editing or creation of map files, campaign files, and scripts.
  • pyCave PyCave is a clone of the game SFCave, but with 3D graphics. The goal of the game is to fly a damaged ship inside a tunnel, avoiding obstacles. Other games of a similar nature are the famous "Helicopter Game" Flash game or "Jetman" in Facebook.
  • pydance pydance is a dancing game similar to Dance Dance Revolution or Pump It Up, for GNU/Linux.
  • pyDDR pyDDR is a DDR clone for Python that needs a name. DDR stands for Dance Dance Revolution, a game that's slowly earning popularity in the states, but is tremendously popular in Asian countries.
  • Rabid Rabbit Rabid Rabbit is a game for one player. You play a rabbit which tries to rescue lost sheep from marauding creatures.
  • rbCave rbCave is a clone of the PalmOS game SFCave. The player has to guide a "ship" through a cave that gets smaller as time passes.
  • reaper reaper is an OpenGL based 3D-game, emphasizing stunning graphics and interesting algorithms. Similiar to Rogue Squadron.
  • Robo Hunt In Robo Hunt you must take all the plutonium and don't be caught. The robot hunters uses Partile Filters AI technique
  • RoboTournament RoboTournament is a RoboRally inspired game where players program their robots to vanquish their opponents. RoboTournament features: Multiple Game Types: Death Match, Rally, and Capture The Flag, Multi-Player through TCP/IP, six weapons including the BFG, a map editor, and integrated chat.
  • Sarah-Maries Eierjagd Sarah-Maries Eierjagd is a small game that uses the SDL library. Catch as much eggs as you can, but none of the old eggs. Catch five golden eggs to fix one mistake.
  • SDL Asylum SDL Asylum is a C/SDL port of Andy Southgate's 1994 game Asylum, originally for the Acorn Archimedes. In the game, Young Sigmund has a few problems. To help him resolve his mental instability, you must enter the surreal world of his inner mind and shut down the malfunctioning brain cells.
  • SDL Sopwith SDL Sopwith is a port of the classic flying game Sopwith to modern operating systems and toolkits. It was originally a port to the LibSDL toolkit, but there is now a GTK+ version as well.
  • SdlZombies SdlZombies is a clone of old zombie games where you attract zombies and make them fall in holes.
  • Search and Rescue Search and Rescue is a game where the player pilots rescue helicopters to rescue victims in various situations of distress.
  • Sintel The Game Sintel The Game is a video game adaptation of popular open movie Sintel by Blender Foundation.
  • Siroi Danmakukun Siroi Danmakukun is a distillation of what excites (or frightens, or terrorizes) many modern shmup players: insane patterns of bullets.
  • ski Imagine you are skiing down an infinite slope, facing such hazards as trees, ice, bare ground, and the man-eating Yeti!
  • Slune Slune is a 3D game which includes racing, car-crashing, and lots of action!
  • Smiling Bubbles (commercial) Smiling Bubbles is a cartoon style game with bright-colored bubbles, bubble-faces and tons of bonuses. The task of the player is to remove all the bubbles from the game field by shooting at them.
  • Snowball Surprise Snowball Surprise is a strategic, action packed 3D team game that's so cool it's freezing! The penguin inhabitants of Avatarctica love playing games such as Snowball Fight, Capture The Flag, Tag, and Soccer! Made with Python and OpenGL.
  • Snowballz Snowballz is a (hopefully) fun little game in which you engage your group of penguins in a snowball fight.
  • StepBill An evil computer hacker, known only by his handle 'Bill', has created the ultimate computer virus. A virus so powerful that it has the power to transmute an ordinary computer into a toaster oven. (oooh!) 'Bill' has cloned himself into a billion-jillion micro-Bills. Their sole purpose is to deliver the nefarious virus, which has been cleverly disguised as a popular operating system. As System Administrator/Exterminator, your job is to keep Bill from succeeding at his task.
  • The Grind The Grind is a simple game about escaping from work at a reasonable hour by avoiding responsibility.
  • The Real Texas (commercial) The Real Texas is an action adventure game that plays like a mashup of Zelda: Link to the Past and Ultima VI.
  • Tiny & Big in: Grandpa?s Leftovers (commercial) Tiny & Big in: Grandpa's Leftovers is set in a land, where common physics apply but everything else looks different. You are Tiny, a little, technophile guy with a ray cutter, a gripping device, a bad habit and a fine attitude towards the world.
  • trailblazer trailblazer is a version of the classic Commodore and Sinclair Spectrum game: bounce a ball down a track to the end, avoiding the holes. This game is for Linux and other operating systems, and uses SDL
  • Transcend Game Transcend can best be described as retro-style, abstract, 2D shooter. The graphics are geometrical, and the pace is sometimes frenzied. Two features set Transcend apart from other games. First, its dynamic graphical engine, which can smoothly morph from one complex shape to another, produces striking displays. Combining these dynamic shapes with subtle randomizations makes each play through a Transcend level visually different from the last. The second novel feature is Transcend's musical power-up system. As you play through a level, you are simultaneously assembling an abstract visual collage and arranging a unique piece of music. Transcend merges video games with pure art---it can be viewed either as a game or as a multimedia sculpture.
  • Tunnel Tunnel is a game in which you control a capsule going down a tunnel, shooting other balls in the way. Tunnel is free software released under the GPL. The game has been tested on GNU/Linux and Windows.

  • Tux vs Clippy Tux vs Clippy is a top view shooting game that lets you play the OS battle.
  • Twisted Life Twisted Life is a video game that uses a variant of John H. Conway's Life cellular automaton in which life forms twist around the center of the universe.
  • uxTank The objective of the game is to shoot everything that you can see and to capture all bonuses possible.
  • Wings 2 Wings 2 is a 2D multiplayer network game. You fly small and agile ships in varied maps, choosing from a wide variety of different weapons and devices to use against your opponents. The game offers several game modes with different styles of play, and supports internet, LAN and splitscreen games. A free edition is also available.
  • Wok In Wok the game objective is very simple. Catch the falling balls by the wok(a flying pan) and throw them to the right. You can control the wok by mouse.
  • XBill XBill pits you as a sysadmin. Stop the enemy from trying to destroy your computers.
  • XEvil XEvil is a 3rd person, side-view, fast-action, kill-them-before-they-kill-you game. Fight against either computer-controlled enemies, or another player.
  • YaRP YaRP is a third-person shooter based upon an '85 anime series called Mospeada. Uses OpenGL for rendering, NL for networking, SDL for graphics initialization MS3D for models, FMOD for (3D) sound, and is programmed in C/C++.
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109 giochi vari d’azione per Linux (prima parte).

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109 giochi vari d’azione per Linux (prima parte).

Linux, come tutti i sistemi Unix, è ben noto per le sue potenzialità di rete. Tutti sanno che una rete o un web server basati su Linux sono un'ottima soluzione, economica, affidabile, e che non necessita di hardware troppo potente; ciò ha fatto di questo sistema operativo una presenza importante nel settore dei server. 

Tuttavia, negli ultimi tempi, Linux pare aver avanzato la sua candidatura anche quale sistema operativo per desktop, per sistemi, insomma, personali. 

Effettivamente le caratteristiche di velocità ed affidabilità (senza dimenticare il costo - o meglio, la mancanza di esso) di questo Unix ne fanno un concorrente temibile per ogni altro sistema operativo commerciale; i pregi sembrano essere maggiori dei difetti, il principale dei quali sembra essere, secondo i detrattori di Linux, la mancanza di applicazioni. 

Se può essere facilmente smentito che manchino applicativi di produttività generale o scientifici, è purtroppo vero che il settore videoludico del Linux è molto lacunoso. 

29 maggio 2013

107 giochi sparatutto per Linux (seconda parte).

By With Nessun commento:

107 giochi sparatutto per Linux (seconda parte).

figh win prevail1Linux, come tutti i sistemi Unix, è ben noto per le sue potenzialità di rete. Tutti sanno che una rete o un web server basati su Linux sono un'ottima soluzione, economica, affidabile, e che non necessita di hardware troppo potente; ciò ha fatto di questo sistema operativo una presenza importante nel settore dei server. 

Tuttavia, negli ultimi tempi, Linux pare aver avanzato la sua candidatura anche quale sistema operativo per desktop, per sistemi, insomma, personali. Effettivamente le caratteristiche di velocità ed affidabilità (senza dimenticare il costo - o meglio, la mancanza di esso) di questo Unix ne fanno un concorrente temibile per ogni altro sistema operativo commerciale; i pregi sembrano essere maggiori dei difetti, il principale dei quali sembra essere, secondo i detrattori di Linux, la mancanza di applicazioni. Se può essere facilmente smentito che manchino applicativi di produttività generale o scientifici, è purtroppo vero che il settore videoludico del Linux è molto lacunoso.
  • Fight Win Prevail Fight Win Prevail (or FWP for short) is a FREE multiplayer first person shooter. The game is set in an imaginary universe where pilots meet in special arenas to fight to the death with their vehicles.
  • Force: Leashed Force: Leashed is a first person gravity fiddler. To advance, you need to guide rockets to their targets using spherical potential fields. And no, it's not like Portal.
  • Freedoom The Freedoom project aims to create a complete Doom-based game which is Free Software. Combined with a Free Source Port, people will also be able to play the back catalog of extensions made to Doom by hobbyists over the last 10 years.
  • Hell World Hell World is a FPS adventure game which features excellent graphics, a dark atmosphere and an excellent scenario. It is designed to be a port to the Windows-only version of Hell World.
  • Heretic Heretic is a port of the popular DOS game that runs under X11, GGI and SVGAlib.
  • Heretic II (commercial) Heretic II is a third-person action game based on the Quake II engine, Heretic II sets players on a quest through vast, city and outdoor environments as they search for a cure to a deadly evil plague before all is lost.
  • heXen:Edge of Chaos heXen:Edge of Chaos will be a new and free game, based on the original Hexen game that was developed by id Software and Raven Software.
  • HHexen HHexen is committed to improving the original Hexen engine in any way possible. It is based on Karl Robillard's Linux Hexen engine.
  • LAB3D/SDL LAB3D/SDL is a port of Ken's Labyrinth to modern operating systems, using OpenGL for graphics output and the SDL library to provide user input, sound output, threading, and some graphics support functions. Music output is through Adlib emulation or MIDI (MIDI only on Windows, Linux and other operating systems with OSS-compatible sound APIs).
  • Legends Legends is a fast-paced, FPS-style multiplayer game. The game is designed to take advantage of the beautiful environments in the Torque Gaming Engine while still offering the breakneck pace and variety of gameplay styles available from classics such as Quake and Tribes. Read more
  • LsdlDoom LsdlDoom includes many bug fixes and improvments in portability and usability, as well as many new features to lxdoom.
  • LTKTBM LTKTBM is a fast paced, single and multiplayer action built on the all time, original, classic code:- Action Quake 2 into a heavly enhanced engine with superior sound and graphics, whilst still maintaining compatibility with both the hundreds of AQ2 servers and the original Quake 2 specifications.
  • Neuro-Evolving Robotic Operatives Neuro-Evolving Robotic Operatives, or NERO for short, is a unique computer game that lets you play with adapting intelligent agents hands-on. Evolve your own robot army by tuning their artificial brains for challenging tasks, then pit them against your friends' teams in online competitions!
  • nmaFPS nmaFPS is a first person shooter. The aim is to shoot down as many 'drones' as you can in the arena you play in. If the number or living drones exceeds 10, you lose. The drones appear at random places at regular intervals.
  • Ogrian Carpet Ogrian Carpet is an outdoor First Person Shooter game with Real Time Strategy elements, inspired by the game 'Magic Carpet,' using Ogre3D as the renderer. Fly around an island casting spells, summoning monsters, collecting mana, and building castles.
  • Open Arena Fortress Open Arena Fortress is a mod for Open Arena that adds customizable player classes. You can choose from familiar preset classes, such as "soldier" or "sniper," or create your own by choosing your starting weapons and armor class.
  • Open Quartz Open Quartz is a project to supply GPL'ed artwork in the form of PAK and WAD files to create a fully GPL game based around the GPL'ed quake sourcecode. This includes models, maps, soundfx and textures. Read more
  • openFRAG We intend openFRAG to be a gaming platform, using a set of abstract features we hope to be able to attach "themes".
  • PoopmUp As a child, you where tortured in the playground. You where a victim of the highschool hirarchy. You hacked hours on end, and build a machine that transphormed you into a bird. You are now free (as in speech) to fly around the city and poop on passers-by.
  • Postal 2: Share the Pain (commercial) In Postal 2: Share the Pain you can interact with well over a hundred unique characters including marching bands, dogs, cats and elephants, protesters, policemen, ordinary passers by, and of course, Gary Coleman!
  • PrBoom PrBoom is a version of the classic fps game Doom by id Software. Specifically, it's an engine for playing Doom levels, based on the source code released by id Software. It aims to be free, reliable, portable, and support a wide range of levels.
  • Prey (commercial) Prey is a first-person shooter video game developed by Human Head Studios and produced by 3D Realms. Read more
  • Quake Quake is the Linux version of Quake, a famous DOS game.
  • Quake II Open Source Quake II Open Source is an open source version of the commercial first person shooter Quake II. It has been updated from the commercial version for security, performance, and functionality.
  • Quake III Arena Cell Shading Quake III Arena Cell Shading is a modification for Quake III Arena which makes the game look like a painting or cartoon. Two techniques are used. The default one (Kuwahara filtering) simplifies the texture a bit, and the second one removes the texture, so it looks plain.
  • Quake2World Quake2World is an unsupported, unofficial, multiplayer-only iteration of id Software's Quake II. It aims to blend the very best aspects of the entire Quake series to deliver an enjoyable FPS experience in a free to download, stand-alone game.
  • Quake3: Arena (commercial) Quake3: Arena and Demo is a first person shooter, featuring polished network play and beautiful OpenGL graphics. Read more
  • Quakeworld Quakeworld is an Internet multi-player specific version of Quake.
  • Quetoo Quetoo is a Quake2-compatible game engine for GNU/Linux and FreeBSD. It's focus is simplicity, security, stability, and speed. It contains critical security updates for both clients and servers, bandwidth saving network protocol enhancements, an improved console, and some major speed increases.
  • Receiver (commercial) Receiver was created for the 7-day FPS challenge to explore gun handling mechanics, randomized levels, and unordered storytelling. Armed only with a Colt 1911 A1 and an audiocassette player, you must uncover the secrets of the Mindkill in a building complex infested with automated turrets and hovering shock drones.
  • Red Eclipse Red Eclipse is a single-player and multi-player first-person ego-shooter, built as a total conversion of Cube Engine 2, which lends itself toward a balanced gameplay, completely at the control of map makers, while maintaining a general theme of agility in a variety of environments. Read more
  • Rise of the Triad Rise of the Triad is a Linux port of the 1995 shooter, from source recently released by 3D Realms.
  • Rubicon X Rubicon X is a free, cross platform, first person shooter that continues the story of Bungie?s Marathon trilogy. First released as Marathon:Rubicon in 2001, Rubicon X is a complete overhaul of the original. It features all new high-resolution artwork, new and updated maps, and enough surprises to feel like a whole new game.
  • SDL Hexen SDL Hexen is a port of Raven Software's popular Hexen 3-D shooter game.
  • sdlquake sdlquake is an SDL port of id Software's Quake.
  • Serious Sam (commercial) Serious Sam a port of the popular first person shooter.
  • Slickworm Slickworm is a game with a vehicle physics and a landscape engine. It now has a first-person mode with rocket launcher which can deform the terrain. It also has a vehicle that can be driven. The landscape engine uses variable Level-Of-Detail with geomipmapping.
  • Smokin' Guns Smokin' Guns (originally known as Western Quake) is intended to be a semi-realistic simulation of the "Old West's" great atmosphere. Read more
  • Space Plumber Space Plumber is a first-person 3d game, not much different to Doom and Quake. The main goal is to reach the extraction pumps before the water level increases swamping everything. Each of the 30 levels that conform the game have progressive difficulty by adding more pumps and consoles that you must deactivate first, and by making the map bigger. There are no enemies, you fight against time and misorientation, and you only have your skills to move inside the maze.
  • StandAlone Q3 Standalone Q3 is a modified version of Quake 3 GPL engine allowing to play Quake 3 mods without the need of the original Quake 3 CD.
  • TC:ELite TC:ELite is a modern world total conversion modification of the free, popular, stand-alone third-person shooter Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory.
  • Tenebrae Tenebrae is a modification of the quake source that adds stencil shadows and per pixel lights to quake. Stencil shadows allow for realistic shadow effects on every object in the game world. Per pixel lighting allows you to have fine surface details correctly lit. These are essentially the same algorithms as used by the new Doom game.
  • Textmode Quake Textmode Quake lets you play Quake at a text terminal, in an xterm, or over a telnet session.
  • The Castle The Castle is a game in a dark fantasy setting. Your main weapon is a sword, so the fight is mostly short-range. 3 main levels are included, packed with creatures, items, and sounds.
  • The Hunted The Hunted is a single player FPS game based off of the Darkplaces engine. It is completely standalone, meaning that you do not need any prior files to run it, and it comes in a series called chronicles.
  • Tilda Tilda is a Linux terminal taking after the likeness of many classic terminals from first person shooter games, Quake, Doom and Half-Life (to name a few), where the terminal has no border and is hidden from the desktop until a key is pressed.
  • Transfusion Transfusion plunges you into a world originally created in 1997. Created with the BUILD game engine (Duke Nukem, Shadow Warrior), Blood was a tour de force of horror that has yet to be matched, in which you battled minions of evil in a lightning-paced, blood splattered quest for glory.
  • Trepidation Trepidation is a first person shooter set in the future based on the GPL IOQ3 Quake Engine. Trepidation features all new weapons, maps and vehicles. Currently planned game types are DM, CTF, Last Man Standing and 2 others to be announced.
  • TSSHP The System Shock Hack Project: to reverse-engineer and then re-engineer System Shock. Why? Because Looking Glass have just folded and we want to preserve the legacy.
  • Tuxanci Tuxanci is a multiplatform game, inspired by well-known czech game Bulanci (by the SleepTeam Labs team), distributed under GNU GPL license.
  • UHexen UHexen is yet another port of Raven Software/Id software Hexen game for Simple Directmedia Layer and FreeBSD console.
  • Unreal Tournament 2003 Unreal Tournament 2003 is a lightning-fast, no-holds-barred sport of the future, where warriors face off like the Gladiators of ancient Rome to determine the ultimate combatant.
  • Vavoom Vavoom is a source port based on sources of Doom, Heretic, Hexen and a little bit from Quake. Supported platforms are DOS, Windows and Linux.
  • Wolf4SDL Wolf4SDL is an open-source port of id Software's classic first-person shooter Wolfenstein 3D to the cross-plattform multimedia library 'Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL)'.
  • WolfGL WolfGL is a famous DOS game from 1992 created by id Software. This is an attempt to port the source (released in 1995) to Linux.
  • ZDoom ZDoom is an enhanced port of the official DOOM source. It features support for all Hexen editing features (including ACS, hubs, etc.), support for most BOOM editing features, freelook, jumping, and translucency support, a Quake-style console, high screen resolutions, removal of the original DOOM's limits, support for many more music formats (including MOD, IT, XM, S3M, MIDI, MP3, and MUS), better mouse support, UDP networking, and more.
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107 giochi sparatutto per Linux (prima parte).

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107 giochi sparatutto per Linux (prima parte).

alienarena_logoLinux, come tutti i sistemi Unix, è ben noto per le sue potenzialità di rete. Tutti sanno che una rete o un web server basati su Linux sono un'ottima soluzione, economica, affidabile, e che non necessita di hardware troppo potente; ciò ha fatto di questo sistema operativo una presenza importante nel settore dei server. 
Tuttavia, negli ultimi tempi, Linux pare aver avanzato la sua candidatura anche quale sistema operativo per desktop, per sistemi, insomma, personali. Effettivamente le caratteristiche di velocità ed affidabilità (senza dimenticare il costo - o meglio, la mancanza di esso) di questo Unix ne fanno un concorrente temibile per ogni altro sistema operativo commerciale; i pregi sembrano essere maggiori dei difetti, il principale dei quali sembra essere, secondo i detrattori di Linux, la mancanza di applicazioni. Se può essere facilmente smentito che manchino applicativi di produttività generale o scientifici, è purtroppo vero che il settore videoludico del Linux è molto lacunoso. 

Vediamo un po' di esempi per esaminare meglio qual è la situazione attuale e quali sviluppi vi potranno essere in seguito.

  • Alien Arena 2008 Alien Arena 2008 combines some of the very best aspects of such games as Quake III and Unreal Tournament and wraps them up with a retro alien theme, while adding tons of original ideas to make the game quite unique.
  • AssaultCube AssaultCube is based on the game Cube. It is set in a realistic looking environment, with a gameplay that stays fast and arcade like.
  • Doom 3 (commercial) One of the finest games ever released featuring spectacular graphics and gameplay.
  • Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Enemy Territory: Quake Wars is a multiplayer first-person shooter video game mixing Enemy Territory and Quake 4. It is the follow up to Wolftenstein: Enemy Territory.
  • Excalibur: Morgana's Revenge Excalibur: Morgana's Revenge (EMR) is a first-person shooter game with an epic and in-depth story line. The player travels through time in the Jurassic period, Camelot period, and into the future to chase down Morgana. Using the Aleph One engine, EMR creates an amazing new world, making it an entirely fun and unique gaming experience.
  • Hexen II - Hammer of Thyrion Hammer of Thyrion is based on the original Linux Hexen II project, Anvil of Thyrion. It includes many bugfixes and some documentation. New features include: Improved sound and video modes, OpenGL glows and full screen intermissions.
  • Nexuiz Nexuiz is a fast-paced, chaotic, and intense multiplayer first-person shooter game, focused on providing basic, old style deathmatch. It is extremely modder-friendly. Nexuiz is built on the power of the Darkplaces engine, which is a heavily modified version of the original Quake. Darkplaces features realtime lighting and stencil shadows, bumpmapping, gloss, bloom, and totally rewritten network code that supports up to 64 players on a single server.
  • OpenArena OpenArena's gameplay is exactly the same as Quake III Arena - score frags to win the game using a balanced set of weapons each designed for different situations.
  • Quake 2 (commercial) Quake 2 is a fantastic 3D multiplayer action game that runs under X11, SVGAlib, or OpenGL. hot
  • Quake 4 (commercial) In Quake 4 you are Matthew Kane, an elite member of Rhino Squad and Earth's valiant invasion force. Fight alone, with your squad, and in hover tanks and mechanized walkers as you engage in a heroic mission into the heart of the Strogg war machine. But, in this epic war between worlds, the only way to defeat the Strogg is to become one of them.
  • Tremulous Tremulous for Quake 3 Arena is an open source modification that blends a team based FPS with elements of an RTS. Players can choose from 2 unique races, aliens and humans. Players on both teams are able to build working structures in-game like an RTS. These structures provide many functions, the most important being spawning.
  • True Combat True Combat is a modification to Quake III arena featuring scriptable mission objectives in maps, C4 and smoke grenades to your arsenal, realistic lens flares, glare, and flash blend effects.
  • Unreal Tournament 2004 (commercial) Unreal Tournament 2004 is a multiplayer first person shooter that combines the kill-or-be-killed experience of gladiatorial combat with cutting-edge technology. Ten game modes - both team-based and "every man for himself" -- provide even the most hardcore gamer with palm-sweating challenges through unbelievably detailed indoor arenas and vast outdoor environments. As the ultimate techno-gladiator of the future, players will take their fates into their hands, battling against up to 32 other players online in action-packed, frag-filled arenas. hot
  • Warsow Warsow is a fast-paced 3D ego-shooter with colorful graphics which look like in comic (black lines around things; deliberatly surrealistic graphics) or similar to the movie "Tron". Read more hot
  • Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory is a free, stand-alone multiplayer game in which players wage war as Axis or Allies in team-based combat. It was originally planned as an add-on for Return to Castle Wolfenstein, but soon became it's own game, a separate entity with full single player, multiplayer, AI opponents and teammates. Read more hot
  • 0verkill 0verkill is a bloody 2D action deathmatch-like game in ASCII-ART running under Linux, OS/2 and Windows. Read more
  • ActionCube ActionCube is a total conversion of Wouter van Oortmerssen´s FPS called Cube. Set in a realistic looking environment, as far as that´s possible with this engine, while gameplay stays fast and arcade. This game is all about team oriented multiplayer fun.
  • Adanaxis Adanaxis is fast-moving first person shooter set in deep space, where the fundamentals of space itself are changed. By adding another dimension to space this game provides an environment with movement in four directions and six planes of rotation.
  • Aleph One/SDL Aleph One is based on the game Marathon 2 by Bungie Software. It supports, but doesn't require, OpenGL for rendering. Aleph One was originally a Mac-only game, but there is now a cross-platform version based on the Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) library, that should in theory run on all systems supported by SDL
  • Alien Arena 2006 AA2K6 is the latest in a series of standalone games based on a classic Sci-Fi theme with a modern, updated visual experience. With 25 levels, five modes of play, mutators, built-in bots, 9 characters, 8 weapons(3 with alt-fire modes), the game has an endless supply of replayability.
  • Alien Arena 2007 Alien Arena 2007 is a fast paced, retro sci-fi themed game jam packed with features such as 37 maps, 5 game modes, 6 game mutators, 10 player characters, 8 weapons(each with an alternate firing mode), and the Galaxy front end that includes a server browser, IRC client, stats lookup, and a buddy list to keep tabs on your favorite players.
  • Alien Swarm Alien Swarm is an overhead view tactical squad-based shooter for UT2K4. Set in the the distant future, the players take the role of a Commander in the Interstellar Armed Forces. They must guide their squad of marines through Swarm infested colonies, overrun bases and outposts, to achieve a variety of objectives. Featuring Assault Rifles, Heat Tracking Guns, Sentry Guns, Flamethrowers and more. Supports co-operative multiplayer.
  • Aliens vs Predator A Linux port of the Fox Interactive/Rebellion Developments game, Aliens vs Predator. Game is no longer being developed.
  • Alpha Shooter Alpha Shooter is a single-player 3D FPS game with a sci-fi setting, multi-platform support, trivial particles and collision detection system, dynamic lighting effects and a shooting practice mini-game, written in C with OpenGL and GLUT.
  • America's Army: Special Forces America's Army: Special Forces is released by the United States Army. In America's Army: Special Forces, players attempt to earn Green Beret status by completing individual and collective training missions drawn from the Special Forces Assignment and Selection (SFAS) process.
  • Argonium Argonium is a standalone Multiplayer First Person shooter powered by id Softwares Quake II engine. includes over 100 sound files, over 250 image files and over 50 models. Argonium includes 5 different weapons, 1 player character with 3 skins, 3 powerup items, armour and health items. The game is strictly a Deathmatch game and comes with 3 levels.
  • Balder Balder is a multiplayer Zero Gravity First Person Shooter using the Crystal Space engine. It also uses the borax template and the GNE -- Game Networking Engine. It will emphesise team cooperation, instead of the standard frag-fest and meaningless violence of most first person shooters.
  • Balder2D Balder2D is a multiplayer game. It has a networked option and/or players can share a keyboard on the same machine. Players control small probes which shoot tiny projectiles with which they try to destroy each other. It features a 2D overhead view of the playing field.
  • Battle Free Battle Free is a free online FPS, you can play with up to 64 friends online or just with the AI's. This game has 4 mission areas, and 4 weapons.
  • Black Shades In Black Shades you try to keep your VIP (the guy in white) alive as long as possible. The assassins will all try to shoot or stab him to death. You must do all you can to prevent this. Your reputation has preceded you, so the VIP has absolute confidence in your abilities and will completely ignore all the assassins.
  • Black Shades Elite Black Shades Elite is an action game that is more or less similar to the original Black Shades "Psychic Bodyguard FPS". Kill anyone that tries to kill the VIP (the white guy). The psychic part is seeing blue lines when bad guys line up on the VIP (when the line is red they are about to shoot).
  • Blood Frontier Blood Frontier is a single-player and multi-player first-person shooter, built as a total conversion of Cube Engine 2, which lends itself toward a balanced gameplay, completely at the control of map makers, while maintaining a general theme of tactics and low gravity.
  • Blood Toll Blood Toll is an innovative new first person shooter that allows players to compete online for real money. The game works by having each player buy in to enter a level, then for each player that you eliminate you get their buy in fee.
  • Chocolate Doom Chocolate Doom is a Doom source port which aims to behave as closely as possible to the original DOS Doom executables ("Vanilla Doom").
  • Counter-Strike 2D Counter-Strike 2D offers a lot more than the original Counter-Strike game. Counter-Strike is a tactical first-person shooter video game in which players join either the terrorist or counter-terrorist team (or become a spectator).
  • Crystal Core Crystal Core is a first person shooter/puzzle game. The action is set on an alien planet invaded by hostile aliens. Crystal Core is a project that will help demonstrate what the crystal space engine can do.
  • Cytadela Cytadela is a conversion of an Amiga Doom clone that was also called "Cytadela". The original was created in the mid-1990's by Virtual Design, and released first in Poland and then in other countries.
  • d1x This is the Descent 1 Source Project. Our goal is to refine and extend the playability of Descent 1, coordinate compatability and features across platforms and versions, and make semi-official releases with major changes.
  • D2X-XL D2X-XL is a port of Descent 2 to OpenGL. It is an open source project and has undergone a lot of enhancements compared to Descent 2.
  • Dave 3D Dave 3D is a Free media data-only project for the Duke Nukem 3D source code.
  • Dead Cyborg Dead Cyborg is a sci-fi adventure game. The story is about the meaning of life and death in a rusty post-apocalyptic metal and concrete world.
  • Digital Paintball 2 Paintball 2 is a fast-paced first-person game with capture the flag, elimination, siege, and deathmatch (free-for-all) styles of gameplay.
  • Doom Legacy Doom Legacy offers an enhancement to the original Doom game with extra features such as split screen mode, skins, 32 players etc.
  • DoomRL DoomRL (Doom, the Roguelike) is a fast and furious coffee-break Roguelike game, that is heavily inspired by the popular first person shooter game Doom developed by ID Software.
  • Dreams Eternal Dreams Eternal tries to concentrate on the storyline instead of just shooting. The goal of the game is also to have a scary athmosphere. Basically the game will play in the dream world and will concentrate on puzzle solving.
  • DXX Rebirth DXX-Rebirth is a remake of the two DESCENT ports D1X and D2X.
  • EDuke32 EDuke32 is an actively developed port of the classic, Duke Nukem. Duke Nukem 3D was a first person shooter developed by 3D Realms and released in 1996.
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